Blue semi-truck driving on wet highway.

Fast, Streamlined, Efficient Growth

Our Influencer package is designed for growth. That means we expect complexity and resource demand to grow over time. The more content you add, and the more followers you gain, the harder it is to keep your site responsive and (possibly more importantly) the more time it takes to simply manage your site.

We can help with that automatically.

Our Influencer Package Includes:

  1. Regular updates of WordPress and Plugins. We handle the maintenance for you.
  2. Performance tweaks to keep your site fast and load times low.
  3. A set of plugins that make designing your site that much faster, simpler, and easier.

Regular Maintenance

WordPress is fast and secure, but it’s also the most popular website software in existence, with something like 43% of the world’s web sites running on WordPress. That means it gets a lot of scrutiny from folks who are up to no good, and it’s important to update your software and plugins regularly.

To ease your effort here, we will:

Performance Configuration and Monitoring.

Faster web sites perform better. Increasing your web site’s performance is a complex thing to explain, but in simple terms here’s what we do:

Make your site “smaller” so it loads faster.

To start, we make sure your files are optimized for web delivery as soon as they are uploaded. That image at the top of the page? It was 1.2 megabytes as we uploaded it, but it was automatically compressed down to 46 KB. This means it’s 96% smaller, and we didn’t need to enter an editor to do it. It happened in the background.

Optimize your lsCache or WP-Rocket settings

These are plugins for WordPress that handle a lot of optimizations for you. It’s pretty straightforward, but the trick is in knowing which optimizations work transparently, and which ones will break your site. The end result is reducing the number of files that need to be downloaded to display your site to your users, and reducing the size of the essential files as much as possible. Significant reductions in page load time are the result.

Configuring server-level optimizations

These are in three categories:

  1. Caching your web site in the web server’s cache. If you’re visiting this page, and nothing’s changed since the last time it was viewed, the web server didn’t even need to check the WordPress page itself. It’s caching the last version of the page that was displayed to a previous viewer and serving you that directly. This is fast and leads to the lowest page load times.
  2. Caching database queries. Every web page WordPress displays requires data to be pulled from the database. All these words you’re reading? Those are stored in the database. We can remember the answers from the last database query, and the database knows if that data is still current, so we can minimize lots of database access, speeding up your site. We use redis for this.
  3. Caching the WordPress files themselves. WordPress is written in PHP, which is an “interpreted” language. When you view a page that isn’t cached, the web server loads the PHP code which is readable by humans, compiles that into something the web server can read, the code is then run and the results show a web page to the viewer, then the compiled code is thrown away. We cache this compiled code and save this step, resulting in faster we pages.

The added benefit here is that all of these optimizations also reduce load on the server, so you can serve more web pages to more users without slowing down.

CDN Setup

You’re probably using Cloudflare for DNS, and that includes access to their CDN network. What a CDN does is save files from your web page on a global Content Delivery Network, which means when someone’s computer tries to download the image at the top of this page, or the logo, or the CSS files that tell the browser how to format text on this page, they are served from a computer that’s closer to the user than this server is. This is typically the fastest way to serve files.

We can take that a step further and use a CDN for your video files as well, so they load quickly for users wherever they are in the world, and they don’t consume space here on this server. You can click here for an example of how this works. Note that this is not perfect, as every video needs to be uploaded to the CDN manually, but it’s quick to turn on and very affordable.

Plugins for Better WordPress

There are a few we believe are almost essential for most sites. Click here for more details. That’s our sister site, and that page documents our Concierge Managed WordPress. The plugins we install are the same.

What we are doing here is making management of your site easier and faster, and more efficient:

These are all fully licensed – we are covering your site under the umbrella of our Agency licenses so you don’t need to purchase them individually.

Better, but not essential

You can have a successful web site without these services, and many are things you can do yourself. But if you want us to handle the behind the scenes work, we’re happy to. Just choose the Influencer package.