What’s Included in the Influencer Package?

Blue semi-truck driving on wet highway.

Our Influencer package is designed for growth. That means we expect complexity and resource demand to grow over time. The more content you add, and the more followers you gain, the harder it is to keep your site responsive and (possibly more importantly) the more time it takes to simply manage your site. We can […]

CDNs for Video

Woman using tablet in front of large monitor

To provide video content on web sites, most sites just embed YouTube videos directly and those work fine. But you’re here, looking at content that might not get past big tech censors who are trying to suppress non-mainstream opinions. We have an option: using CDNs for video. Here’s a sample video that you can play […]

Anonymous Online Speech Continues a Precious American Tradition

Scholar writing in vintage library

In the tumultuous years leading up to the American Revolution, anonymous pamphleteers played a crucial role in shaping public opinion and galvanizing support for independence. These individuals used the power of the written word to critique British policies, advocate for colonial rights, and inspire revolutionary fervor among the American colonists. The Power of Pamphlets Pamphlets […]

Do you want truly anonymous hosting?

Hacker in hoodie using laptop in dark room

Our purpose is to facilitate Free Speech.  You know, like the Founders intended.  Sometimes, tyrants shut down dissent by arresting those who speak out, as is happening now in the UK and Europe. While it’s hard to guarantee privacy and anonymity against nation states, here are the steps we can take to get you most of […]

Configuring Domains and DNS for Privacy

DNS global network illustration

A domain is the thing someone types into a web browser to reach your site. The domain for this site is notechtyranny.net. DNS is the “domain name system,” and it’s what tells your computer which server to connect to when someone tries to go to your domain. We will be configuring DNS to maximize your […]