Our mission is to ensure every voice is heard.


We are in a unique position among web hosting providers:

  • We predominantly host on hardware we own.
  • Our servers are on our own property, in a rural location where everyone still believes in things like “free speech.”
  • Our bandwidth is provided by a local Co-op, and there is no provision for suitable content.

NoTechTyranny was birthed during Covid, when we saw an extraordinary level of restraints on free speech.  People were silenced in the name of “science” and “democracy.”  There was even the extraordinary case where scientists gathering data on Covid and collaborating using Google Drive had their original research deleted because Google had released a bot to scour personal storage and delete Covid information that did not fit the mainstream narrative.  Dissenting voices (whether related to Covid or presidential candidates) were fired and excommunicated from online discourse.  Uncontrolled platforms like Gab were targeted for destruction.

We realized that our unique situation meant we could not be canceled:

  • We are a small business, and while we aspire to be a more successful small business we don’t need to please anyone but our clients.  The opinions of the masses, or our peers in this industry mean nothing to us.
  • We aren’t leasing our servers from a company that can be pressured to cancel the contract and take the servers back (like essentially happened to Gab).
  • We aren’t in a (publicly traded) datacenter that can be pressured to end our rental agreement and kick us out.
  • Our bandwidth can’t be turned off because our provider is pressured to silence us.

Living here in Rural America, we are in a better position to provide a voice to people than most anyone else.

A Division of WellbuiltNetworks

WellbuiltNetworks has been providing IT consulting and web hosting since 2002, but NoTechTyranny didn’t come about until 2019 when the world started to seem a little strange.

The underlying technology and platforms are shared between NTT and WBN (in fact you will see some WBN branding in our panel and communications), but the focus and level of service are different:

  • WellbuiltNetworks hosting is premium brand, focusing on the customer experience and making web hosting as pleasant and simple as possible.  Telephone-based support is encouraged, and our staff are much more “hands on” when helping customers solve problems.
  • NoTechTyranny is focused on Free Speech and privacy above all, and includes less labor-intensive service to maintain a lower price point and reach a wider market.  Help tickets are the primary support method, and users are expected to solve more of their own problems.

There are some technical changes as well, mostly around which servers are suitable for NTT hosting, versus WBN servers which (when appropriate) may be located in datacenters not directly under WBN control. 

Rest assured, though: while NTT is focused on Free Speech, the infrastructure used by NTT is the same high-performance, reliable infrastructure used by WellbuiltNetworks.