To provide video content on web sites, most sites just embed YouTube videos directly and those work fine.

But you’re here, looking at content that might not get past big tech censors who are trying to suppress non-mainstream opinions. We have an option: using CDNs for video. Here’s a sample video that you can play with, presented two ways:

Streaming Video

This was uploaded to Bunny Stream, a service of When uploaded the file was processed and transcoded, and to display it here on this page HTML code was entered directly. The buttons on the player, colors, whether ads are shown (and which ads), watermarking, and all that are directly configurable.

This is probably the best option as every web site viewer will have their own needs as far as video format, resolution, and so on, and when streaming like this their needs can be met.

Simple Storage

In this case, the video is streamed directly from Bunny’s CDN servers. It’s fast, but you’re getting the full video (even if you’re on a device that doesn’t need that level of resolution), and if your browser doesn’t support the video format used then you’ll see an error.

But for the most part, it works, it’s simple, it’s relatively cheap, and for the right sorts of content (say, as a historical archive where you don’t want to change the format of the video) it can be a great solution as well.

The cost to stream this is a penny per gigabyte or so, so streaming this whole video costs about a nickel in the full resolution demo here. If we were to replicate this to South America, Africa, and Asia as well the cost would go up, as those replication zones cost more.

Pricing for Data Zones by Region

This post just exists to say “yes, you can do video without relying on big tech who might be tempted to censor you.” If you need help setting this up reach out and we’ll walk you through it. For low volume posts like “this video is important from a historic perspective so we would like an archive” we can just configure it for you. For something that will be accessed by thousands of people we will help you configure your own account and insert the video in a way that makes it seamless to the end user.